without you...my heart won't beat without your love in me...my eyes won't see beauty without thee...
Friday, December 6, 2013
The Poverty Of The Soul ᴴᴰ ┇ Amazing Reminder ┇ by Ustadha Yasmin Mogahe...
At least we should take note of these 2 important points:
1. Spiritual deprivation is the true impoverishment.
2. What impoverishes and kills the heart? - It is allowing the heart to love anything as it should only love God.
Take care of your soul,
Zara :)
Friday, November 22, 2013
Med Arena: Remember Me, I Will Remember You (By: Jinan Bastak...
Med Arena: Remember Me, I Will Remember You (By: Jinan Bastak...: How to Achieve Tranquility of the Heart “Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured.” (Qur’an, 13:28 ) I...
Monday, November 18, 2013
My future man
The characteristics that I would love in my man :)))
- Proud of his faith. Not
shame of practicing and showing it to the public.
- Spiritual man. I don't
mind at all if by appearance, he's not seen by the public as religious man (like doesn’t have thick beard and not really a kufi wearer) but I believe what's in the heart reflects through his face
and character. But what would very obvious for me to see if he's a
spiritual man or not, is that people who speak with him will feel something. I
mean, people feel that he speaks from the heart. Spirituality is in the
inside thing and only Allah knows his spiritual state, but for this matter
I will consult to Allah through istikharah. What I want is we are
spiritually compatible! Allah knows the best and through this
characteristic, I believe Insha Allah we will have the same life’s
philosophy, visions and dreams.
- A man with visions. I
cannot tolerate with the aimless guy whose world mostly on games and liking
the useless stuffs! But football is okay. J I mean, I understand
that football is the guy thing so as long as he does not neglect his
priorities, having football-related hobby is fine with me.
- Knowledgeable. It’s
okay if he’s not that type of person who speaks much, but I hope he’s
someone who loves reading and seeking knowledge. You know we can know a
person’s intelligence state through the words he utters. I believe
wisdom-oriented words only come from a heart that loves knowledge and
wisdom. I hope he reads both deen and dunya materials, so it would be
balanced. The more readings you do should not make you a more extremist
- Humble. And all those good qualities of course! :P But I understand that no single human being on this Earth is perfect so I’m hoping myself to sincerely accept the way he is including his shortcomings. It’s a foolish thing to be hopeful that he perfectly matches my imagination and so I would want my feet to stay firmly on the ground! But yeah, no doubt I really admire humble people. Like just anyone. Not necessarily a man though. I love all the humble people! They are beautiful creations of God. <3
- Not a demanding type. I mean, I know I would surely be disappointed to live with a man who has a lot of 'external' expectations or demands upon me. Like complaining my cooking is not delicious as compared to his mom's, or he's always seen to adore and praise other women (especially the 'muslimahness' part) or commenting on my chosen fabric! I appreciate it if he wants to correct me but just tell me what should I change/do, without having to compare me with other women. But please, I would love you to motivate me to make the pious Sahabiah ladies as my role models. Like A'isha radhiallahu anha, Maryam, Rabea El-Adawea. :) I would be very much glad if you help me to improve my soul purification and attitude, manners coz I pray that my husband is also my teacher in life.
I don’t mind if…
- He’s 24 hour busy and
has less time for me. I am very honoured if I can serve a man whose time
mostly dedicated to society, his mom and as long as he’s utilizing his
time rightfully, for the beneficial activities, I’m all okay with that. J
- We both come from
different cultural backgrounds. Like having different tastes for food or
some unique family practices etc. But I understand that differences are
normal in marriage life. I hope those differences bring more blessings in
our life and that we should look them in a positive way.
- Materialistically, I do
not mind what car he drives and I just hope we have a simple and moderate
- If he doesn’t know to
do house chores like cooking, sweeping, hang the laundry etc it’s okay J at least, I believe
that he can carry things, move the furniture and doesn’t mess up the
What I’m hoping for myself…
- To be independent. I
don’t want to complain to him over small things. I can drive and so, I
don’t mind if he couldn’t accompany me for grocery shopping, paying the
bills and stuffs. I’ll let him rest peacefully and won’t bother him,
knowing that he just had a tiring working day.
- Ask and listen to his
opinions over fundamental things – say religious and family matters.
- Not being the nagging
type. I can be talkative but not a nagger.
- If he’s comfortable
with certain things like some of his lifestyle’s common practices, then
I’ll let him do it. As long it doesn’t bring negative effects to us and it
doesn’t across religious limits, let him be.
- I won’t ask every
single thing what he does, with whom he has been hanged out with, where
does he go…I mean, too details will annoy him. I guess so. But I’m gonna
be like, just asking him a simple question like this: “Will you be late
tonight?” or “Text me when you are about to come home, alright?”.
- When he comes home,
don’t bombard him with lots of questions. Just ask him a few comforting
questions like, “How was your day?”. Motivate him and give supportive
words when he talks about his problems. If I wanna give my own opinion,
start with..."Hmm...don't you wish to try another alternatives?” or
“I think if you can avoid doing that, it will do good to…” or “It’s okay,
it’s just not your day today. Allah has saved something better for you
later. Who knows. We just need a lil bit of patience. Now you should go
rest. Things will get better next day”. Something less debasing like that.
I want to be a good listener and an understanding wife. Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad in his contention book wrote, Do not say: Do you agree with me? but say: Do we agree?
- Take care of my
physical appearance at his presence. Fragrant myself, wear clean and
beautiful clothes, fresh mouth etc.
- Cook delicious food for
him! Identify his favourite meals and learn how to prepare them. Maybe
should consult to mother in-law for this case. Make sure when he comes
home, he smiles seeing delicious meals on the dining table.
- Not asking him money.
But it’s his responsibility to give anyway so I don’t really worry about
it. If I am financially independent, working, so I shouldn’t ask him for
extra money other than what he gives. If it’s for the house rental, food
expenses, bills, children’s education, health, petrol or other utilities,
I think it’s okay to ask if it’s not enough. For my own personal purpose,
no. I can use my own money.
- Respect and love his
mother just like I do to my mother. Encourage him to always call and take
care of his mom.
Above all, only Allah knows the best. I hope what I wish are not too dreamy. I believe the Deen ul-Islam (my beloved faith) serve as the best foundation, pillars, frames, walls, air-conditioner, furniture, and everything!... to build a happy home. Yes, a home! Not just a house! :)))
And...so who's the man? Well, it's the question that I don't yet know. Only Allah knows who is 'he'. My beloved man InshaAllah. :)
Carlos Daniel Bracho with la niños, Carlitos y Lisette. Missing in the pic, his esposa: Paulina
Praying for the best,
'Asr, 15 Muharram 1435
Friday, October 18, 2013
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Monday, July 22, 2013
A Life Changing Reminder ᴴᴰ :: Ramadan Reminder :: Majed Mahmoud
Wallahi wallahi, what I get are two things:
1. The power of Allah, Al-'Afu
2. Lailatul Qadr
2. Don't procrastinate.
Truly, Ramadan is the month of transformation. Ourselves. Our life.
Monday, July 15, 2013
I Am Not a Scholar - Abdal Hakim Murad
"Could there be a man more beautiful than this in our time?" - a comment on youtube. True. A humble character that is quite a scarce among knowledgeable people nowadays. This, my favourite teacher, may Allah bless him with continuous wisdom to benefit this ummah. :)
Fasting Without Taqwa? SHOCKER! | Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan
SubhanAllah...the real meaning of fasting, brilliantly explained by Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan. Allah bless him.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Friday, June 21, 2013
I am a traveler
"I am a traveler seeking the truth, a human searching for the meaning of humanity and a citizen seeking dignity, freedom, stability and welfare under the shade of Islam. I am a free man who is aware of the purpose of his existence and who proclaims: ‘Truly, my prayer and my sacrifice, my living and my dying are all for Allah, the Lord of the worlds. No partner has He. This, I have been commanded, and I am of those who submit to His Will.’ This is who I am. Who are you?"
— Hasan al-Banna
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Babak Radmanesh - Khasteye Valedayn
For a lifetime I was your loved one
For a lifetime you were my loved one
Amidst worry, you found solace in me
I don't want to be companion of the ill and afflicted
My child, don't take me to a nursing home
Let me stay home, and be happy and joyous
My child, don't take me to a nursing home
Our home is my hope
It's a promise of excitement and love
Don't separate me from it
I don't want to be companion of the ill and afflicted
My child, don't take me to a nursing home
Monday, June 17, 2013
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
The shining star in the family
"When a man spends to support his family hoping for (Allah's reward) it is counted for him as sadaqah". (Bukhari and Muslim)
The Journey of Love ! - Hamza Yusuf ` ᴴᴰ
So this is the way. :') The journey has long begun but we go astray sometimes. But the way of Beloved is the truest journey of love! Sollu 'ala habibAllah :')
Friday, June 7, 2013
They watch, not really listen
Worry not about less words, for attitude is everything. The most effective tool.
Sollu sollu. Keep chillin'. :)
Thursday, June 6, 2013
What Made These Women So Special? ᴴᴰ ┇ Amazing Reminder ┇ Sheikh Tawfiqu...
GEMS spotted
1. From Khadijah (RA)
- The amazing trust, love and patience she had in Muhammad (SAW).
- A beacon and support for the Prophet (SAW) in his most important times.
- Supportive and motivational
2. From Fatimah (RA)
- Her righteousness and piety
- Waking Ali up in the night and said ‘Lets pray’.
- Charitable and giving
- Encourage Ali to go out there and earn money so that they could actually give money out to the poor.
Amazing right? :)
Zara. xxxxx
Monday, June 3, 2013
Love here I come!
Quite a while since the last post. It was all about the connection problem before this. I thank God yesterday we got a new internet system (YES) and it works quite super fast. Alhamdulillah for that. :)
Now that I'm home and just finished my undergrad study almost 2 weeks ago. Will be graduating on this 6th July InshaAllah. =D But at the moment I'm suffering from a post-student dilemma. To further study or to start working? My mom lectured me 2 weeks ago urging me to get married early. 1 hour conversation over phone call, the whole subject was about early marriage. Because nowadays is the period where youths get married at pretty young age. Early 20 or so. Or less. This has become a norm in the society for the 1990s-borne like us. So to mom, it is quite abnormal for me not have a 'someone special-for-a potential spouse' at the age of 23. Almost all my friends do have their beloved ones. Me? In case you're wondering, let me explain why...
Since 2003 -almost 10 years ago- I have developed this concept for myself. That I never want to involve in coupling relationship. To me such thing disgraces my pride. I don't know where I got that concept since there was no Islamic awareness on such thing spread among the youths at that time. So I guess it's just a natural me. Fitrah. An inspiration from the Divine. So throughout my high school years I renewed that principal almost every year and thankfully I've made it to this day! =D
If I know someone who has a crush on me, I'd immediately feel so disgusted towards that guy for unknown reasons. Heh. :P Guys who approached and confessed to me I'd silently rejected them. Though they are so good in academics and deen. Distancing myself from them would be a fixed option. No. No! Not because that I'm not sociable type with males. I do talk to the Adams. Not excessively and not to the point that they feel so shy to talk to me. I'm approachable by everyone. :)
To me, Adams are to be respected. Hear what they have to say and give attention to their points. They are our primary caliphates anyway. :)
So yaa...since God has shown me my purpose of existence in this life (though I frequently fall while on His track), I see marriage as one of the best mediums to serve Him. It's a SACRED thing. It's not just simply falling in love and get married and live happily ever after. Love originally is a sacred thing, a gift as well as one of His greatest signs. It's something pure and since it comes from the Divine, I cannot help but impulsively attached to His guidelines on how I should see and handle love.
So is it our wrong to fall in love with the opposite gender? No! Of course not! In fact, you should cherish it coz that feeling comes from Him. :) All the feelings come from Him. But, the feelings do not come to you just to make your life rainbowful (aah what a word! :P) while you're comforting yourself on the cloud 9 filling your mind and heart with that beloved of yours. If you find him or her is so attractively dear to your heart, have you not also thought of the Giver of the feeling as well? :) How great He is...as the existence of love is impossible without Him inspiring it to colour the human lives.
Allah, He- the Lord of love wants nothing but His slaves to do the right things - worshiping Him accordingly to His guidance. He wants to guide us with that love He has bestowed upon us. It's like we were once in a complete darkness and suddenly we see a beam of light directing towards us. We feel so relieved and safe to be guided such way. But we're too interested in the colour and nature of the beam rather than where the source comes from. And where it should bring us to. We stay too long in the dimension of being awed with the beautiful light without thinking 'where's my final destination?'. It's either in two cases. Being fascinated with the beam alone without wanting to follow where it shows us to go (we stay nowhere) or praising and glorifying the Giver for showing us the direction where to go (and we follow the way).
Our ultimate goal is His pleasure. So love is the way. Loving Him, The Giver first more than anything else. Second, love the man who has showed us His way - Muhammad (The praised one) Sallallah 'alaihi wasallam (Peace and blessings be upon him). Third, love the woman that had painfully gave birth to us. Magnify that love. Her love towards us is incomparable to our love towards her.
Love towards our beloved must be oriented for the sake of God alone. The love that we mutually have for each other must be experienced and channeled through the way that He is pleased with. And to me, it's beyond than that. It's not about me and my man or about the love itself. It's all about Him, The Creator. Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. :) Coz He is the reason for all the livings. :)
And to my future man (which I do not know who :P ), I hope to meet and love you for His sake alone. We love and worship Him together, shall we? :) Till the end of our destination - Jannatul Firdaws (The best paradise).
Zara. xxxxxx
Quite a while since the last post. It was all about the connection problem before this. I thank God yesterday we got a new internet system (YES) and it works quite super fast. Alhamdulillah for that. :)
Now that I'm home and just finished my undergrad study almost 2 weeks ago. Will be graduating on this 6th July InshaAllah. =D But at the moment I'm suffering from a post-student dilemma. To further study or to start working? My mom lectured me 2 weeks ago urging me to get married early. 1 hour conversation over phone call, the whole subject was about early marriage. Because nowadays is the period where youths get married at pretty young age. Early 20 or so. Or less. This has become a norm in the society for the 1990s-borne like us. So to mom, it is quite abnormal for me not have a 'someone special-for-a potential spouse' at the age of 23. Almost all my friends do have their beloved ones. Me? In case you're wondering, let me explain why...
Since 2003 -almost 10 years ago- I have developed this concept for myself. That I never want to involve in coupling relationship. To me such thing disgraces my pride. I don't know where I got that concept since there was no Islamic awareness on such thing spread among the youths at that time. So I guess it's just a natural me. Fitrah. An inspiration from the Divine. So throughout my high school years I renewed that principal almost every year and thankfully I've made it to this day! =D
If I know someone who has a crush on me, I'd immediately feel so disgusted towards that guy for unknown reasons. Heh. :P Guys who approached and confessed to me I'd silently rejected them. Though they are so good in academics and deen. Distancing myself from them would be a fixed option. No. No! Not because that I'm not sociable type with males. I do talk to the Adams. Not excessively and not to the point that they feel so shy to talk to me. I'm approachable by everyone. :)
To me, Adams are to be respected. Hear what they have to say and give attention to their points. They are our primary caliphates anyway. :)
So yaa...since God has shown me my purpose of existence in this life (though I frequently fall while on His track), I see marriage as one of the best mediums to serve Him. It's a SACRED thing. It's not just simply falling in love and get married and live happily ever after. Love originally is a sacred thing, a gift as well as one of His greatest signs. It's something pure and since it comes from the Divine, I cannot help but impulsively attached to His guidelines on how I should see and handle love.
So is it our wrong to fall in love with the opposite gender? No! Of course not! In fact, you should cherish it coz that feeling comes from Him. :) All the feelings come from Him. But, the feelings do not come to you just to make your life rainbowful (aah what a word! :P) while you're comforting yourself on the cloud 9 filling your mind and heart with that beloved of yours. If you find him or her is so attractively dear to your heart, have you not also thought of the Giver of the feeling as well? :) How great He is...as the existence of love is impossible without Him inspiring it to colour the human lives.
Allah, He- the Lord of love wants nothing but His slaves to do the right things - worshiping Him accordingly to His guidance. He wants to guide us with that love He has bestowed upon us. It's like we were once in a complete darkness and suddenly we see a beam of light directing towards us. We feel so relieved and safe to be guided such way. But we're too interested in the colour and nature of the beam rather than where the source comes from. And where it should bring us to. We stay too long in the dimension of being awed with the beautiful light without thinking 'where's my final destination?'. It's either in two cases. Being fascinated with the beam alone without wanting to follow where it shows us to go (we stay nowhere) or praising and glorifying the Giver for showing us the direction where to go (and we follow the way).
Our ultimate goal is His pleasure. So love is the way. Loving Him, The Giver first more than anything else. Second, love the man who has showed us His way - Muhammad (The praised one) Sallallah 'alaihi wasallam (Peace and blessings be upon him). Third, love the woman that had painfully gave birth to us. Magnify that love. Her love towards us is incomparable to our love towards her.
Love towards our beloved must be oriented for the sake of God alone. The love that we mutually have for each other must be experienced and channeled through the way that He is pleased with. And to me, it's beyond than that. It's not about me and my man or about the love itself. It's all about Him, The Creator. Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. :) Coz He is the reason for all the livings. :)
And to my future man (which I do not know who :P ), I hope to meet and love you for His sake alone. We love and worship Him together, shall we? :) Till the end of our destination - Jannatul Firdaws (The best paradise).
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Continuous solawat is a love sign that will never disappear. S.A.W. :) |
Zara. xxxxxx
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Just a little love
When a man complained to the Prophet PBUH of having a hard heart, he said, "Stroke orphans' heads and feed the poor." (Tirmidhi)
Shake or not to shake??
My favourite text :)
"I'm sorry, please don't be offended. But because of my personal belief, I don't shake hands with men".
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Friday, May 24, 2013
Ya Salaam
Woolwich, Oklahoma, Boston, Syria, Palestine, Lahad Datu or wherever it may be...may peace be restored soon.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Holier than thou
How being ego and arrogant of yourself is an inheritance from the Iblees (the devils). It's a number one heart killer for everyone. It destroys love in humanity, clouding ways for unity of this ummah. At personal level, you're not gonna feel connected to The One and find the true you if the feeling 'holier than thou' still exists even minutely. Never.
Was it not the ego/arrogance factor being the first and primary sin that Lord makes it clear to us that such act will cause an extreme disobedience towards Him?
And [mention] when We said to the angels, "Prostrate before Adam"; so they prostrated, except for Iblees. He refused and was arrogant and became of the disbelievers. [Qur'an, 2 : 34]
Which part in us that makes us so holier than the others? That we are rich? Being beautiful? Smarter than everyone else? You're a doctor?? All that you have, if you claim that they exist in your life due to your own efforts, why not prove they too can stay with you in the next eternal life?
The most beautiful thing in life occurs when you finally know who you are, your roots, your purpose of existence and where you're heading to after this worldly life. And you can never know if arrogance still stems in your soul!
Some excerpts from Habib Ali-Jifri's talk (from second video)
If you ever find yourself confused between two sides, each one saying we are on the truth, look at the character of both parties.
Wherever fine and pure character is present, religion is present
Wherever fine and pure character is present, pure knowledge is present
And wherever good character is not present, there is no religion and knowledge is present.
There is no way there can be piety and religion without good character.
There is no way there can be knowledge without good character.
So all knowledge and religiosity that does not affect the person with good character, exists a defect in the person's knowledge and religiosity.
So this is a way of judging. Let us not take this that we should judge other people. Let us judge ourselves.
So we can rectify and correct ourselves for what is between us and Allah (SWT).
The slave,
Zara. xxxxx
How being ego and arrogant of yourself is an inheritance from the Iblees (the devils). It's a number one heart killer for everyone. It destroys love in humanity, clouding ways for unity of this ummah. At personal level, you're not gonna feel connected to The One and find the true you if the feeling 'holier than thou' still exists even minutely. Never.
Was it not the ego/arrogance factor being the first and primary sin that Lord makes it clear to us that such act will cause an extreme disobedience towards Him?
And [mention] when We said to the angels, "Prostrate before Adam"; so they prostrated, except for Iblees. He refused and was arrogant and became of the disbelievers. [Qur'an, 2 : 34]
Which part in us that makes us so holier than the others? That we are rich? Being beautiful? Smarter than everyone else? You're a doctor?? All that you have, if you claim that they exist in your life due to your own efforts, why not prove they too can stay with you in the next eternal life?
The most beautiful thing in life occurs when you finally know who you are, your roots, your purpose of existence and where you're heading to after this worldly life. And you can never know if arrogance still stems in your soul!
Some excerpts from Habib Ali-Jifri's talk (from second video)
If you ever find yourself confused between two sides, each one saying we are on the truth, look at the character of both parties.
Wherever fine and pure character is present, religion is present
Wherever fine and pure character is present, pure knowledge is present
And wherever good character is not present, there is no religion and knowledge is present.
There is no way there can be piety and religion without good character.
There is no way there can be knowledge without good character.
So all knowledge and religiosity that does not affect the person with good character, exists a defect in the person's knowledge and religiosity.
So this is a way of judging. Let us not take this that we should judge other people. Let us judge ourselves.
So we can rectify and correct ourselves for what is between us and Allah (SWT).
The slave,
Zara. xxxxx
Sunday, May 19, 2013
I'm not for sale!
When everyone (especially old folks) loves to talk about how much a woman costs for hantaran, I find it really disgusting. It's not that I hate that concept (well, almost actually) but I have a principal. That I'm not for sale coz I feel putting the price for "how much do I cost" really disgraces my pride.
Stupid? Yeah, some people will think so. For not accepting free money. But hey, my pride is untradable!
But I love gifts. =)
When everyone (especially old folks) loves to talk about how much a woman costs for hantaran, I find it really disgusting. It's not that I hate that concept (well, almost actually) but I have a principal. That I'm not for sale coz I feel putting the price for "how much do I cost" really disgraces my pride.
Stupid? Yeah, some people will think so. For not accepting free money. But hey, my pride is untradable!
But I love gifts. =)
Monday, May 13, 2013
A sound heart - we better get one!
"The Day on which neither wealth nor sons will be of any use, except for whoever brings to Allah a sound heart." [Quran 26:88-89]
My two favourite scholars MashaAllah. May Allah bless them with ongoing wisdom to continue teaching us the reality of this world.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Well, this is sad :'(
I shall appreciate my mom as she is the source of blessings and my heaven for this world and next's. I hope I can serve her the best while my soul and hers still last in this world. And when I have husband later, I'd encourage him to love his mom (and gives attention) more than he loves me iA. :)
Being immortal
"Man wasn't created at random but marvelously made and for some great end. Although his body is earthly, his soul lives forever." Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali.
Sacred outfit
Actually I really like the all niqabis' style in this picture. Simple but they're looking so elegant this way. Our Prophet's wives were no less the same MashaAllah. :)
Oh btw, look what this man has to say!
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Friday, May 10, 2013
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Back on Dryer Land - I am homeward bound!
Beautiful supplications, inspired from The Owner of both seas and shores surely. Whether you posses a healthy soul or a sick one, supplicating to Him is always your own nature's (fitrah) need.
"Do you know when you make dua', you have fulfilled your purpose of life?" - Ustadh Majed Mahmoud
Just a little time
Till I come to shore
Somewhere that I've seen
But never been before
I am driftwood now
I am homeward bound
Pull me from the sea
Save what's left of me
'Cause I'm tired and worn
From the tides and storms
So forgive my wrongs
I am driftwood now
I am homeward bound
Pull me from the sea
Save what's left of me
'Cause I'm tired and worn
From the tides and storms
And I've made my plans
Back on dryer land
So forgive my wrongs, my wrongs
To ey khodaye
(Oh Lord)
Alama o adam
(Lord of the worlds and of mankind)
Nejatam deh
(Save me)
Az in hame gham
(From all this sorrow)
Dar kaame toofan
(In the midst of the storm)
Mandam sargardan
(I stand bewildered)
Beres bar dadam
(Please reach out and help me)
Ey noore iman
(Oh light of faith)
Be to roo kardam
(For I turn to you)
Ba chashme geryan
(With eyes full of tears)
Man bi to hicham
(I am nothing without you)
Abre baranam
(I am the cloud of pouring rain)
Door az yaranam
(Far from my loved ones)
Raha kon ya rab
(Save me oh Lord)
Az in zendanam
(From my prison)
Namandeh taghat
(I have no more patience)
Dar jesm o janam
(In my body and soul)
Bebakhsh az rahmat
(Forgive me through your mercy)
Sar o samanam
(And bestow upon me goodness and ease)
Man bi to hicham
(Without you, I am nothing)
I am driftwood now
I am homeward bound
Pull me from the sea
Save what's left of me
Namandeh taghat
(I have no more patience)
Dar jesm o janam
(In my body and soul)
Bebakhsh az rahmat
(Forgive me through your mercy)
Sar o samanam
(And bestow upon me goodness and ease)
Man bi to hicham
(Without you, I am nothing)
So forgive my wrongs, my wrongs, my wrongs...
Till I come to shore
Somewhere that I've seen
But never been before
I am driftwood now
I am homeward bound
Pull me from the sea
Save what's left of me
'Cause I'm tired and worn
From the tides and storms
So forgive my wrongs
I am driftwood now
I am homeward bound
Pull me from the sea
Save what's left of me
'Cause I'm tired and worn
From the tides and storms
And I've made my plans
Back on dryer land
So forgive my wrongs, my wrongs
To ey khodaye
(Oh Lord)
Alama o adam
(Lord of the worlds and of mankind)
Nejatam deh
(Save me)
Az in hame gham
(From all this sorrow)
Dar kaame toofan
(In the midst of the storm)
Mandam sargardan
(I stand bewildered)
Beres bar dadam
(Please reach out and help me)
Ey noore iman
(Oh light of faith)
Be to roo kardam
(For I turn to you)
Ba chashme geryan
(With eyes full of tears)
Man bi to hicham
(I am nothing without you)
Abre baranam
(I am the cloud of pouring rain)
Door az yaranam
(Far from my loved ones)
Raha kon ya rab
(Save me oh Lord)
Az in zendanam
(From my prison)
Namandeh taghat
(I have no more patience)
Dar jesm o janam
(In my body and soul)
Bebakhsh az rahmat
(Forgive me through your mercy)
Sar o samanam
(And bestow upon me goodness and ease)
Man bi to hicham
(Without you, I am nothing)
I am driftwood now
I am homeward bound
Pull me from the sea
Save what's left of me
Namandeh taghat
(I have no more patience)
Dar jesm o janam
(In my body and soul)
Bebakhsh az rahmat
(Forgive me through your mercy)
Sar o samanam
(And bestow upon me goodness and ease)
Man bi to hicham
(Without you, I am nothing)
So forgive my wrongs, my wrongs, my wrongs...
He, the man of praise (Peace and blessings be upon him)
Purer and brighter than the moon.
Before the making of stars and oceans,
Reality created a light from Its Light,
a perfect mirror of Eternal Beauty,
a pearl of never-breaking whiteness.
From it all colours arise,
as a prism that open light's essence
and voids it on the sea of manifestation,
beautifying all that it shines on.
And when that diamond came to the world,
the most perfect creation in human form
gathered in himself the beauty of the whole universe,
the fullest mercy of the All-Merciful.
His names comprehend but one point of his essence:
the Beloved of God, he who always forgives,
the Torch of the path, the Praised one.
He where everything gathers.
It's impossible to understand any virtue
but through his perfect example;
in him the most beautiful qualities
were completed in their purity.
By: Emilio Alzueta
Allahumma solli 'ala Habibina Saiyyidina Muhammad, 'ala Habibika Nabiyyika Mustofa
So lost and frustrated far from you,
But at times I wonder,
Would you accept this low-class love
from a sinner of the modern world like me?
Zara. xxxx
Monday, May 6, 2013
That organic spirit in Lady Jane
Another brilliant book that I read (just finished until the 2nd chapter) during my short study break (which lasted a few hours ago).
When asked if she believed in God, Goodall said in September 2010: "I don't have any idea of who or what God is. But I do believe in some great spiritual power. I feel it particularly when I’m out in nature. It’s just something that's bigger and stronger than what I am or what anybody is. I feel it. And it's enough for me."
(source : wikipedia)
Really miss being at home since it's a truly a heaven for a calm and intense reading session where nothing and no one disturbs me. Will complete reading the rest of the chapters when I come back home for good soon. For good? yes, as I will finish my undergrad study this 26th May Insha Allah! =D
Khoda hafiz. Isha' time now.
What I call the 11th C
Will get this from the post office tomorrow Insha Allah. Ahh, so can't wait to explore and digest this pearly book! By the Al-Ghazali of our modern times, Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad. :)
Wanna share some shades, mate?
That day, we all will share the heat. Under the scorching sun. What is a better shade other than the shade of Allah?
Wherever You Are
Sometimes words aren't the best tools to express whats inside the heart. Just not languageable (word I obtained from my night dream few days ago) for some of the very sacred-bound feelings. So I let this video gives a preview of my heart's monologue maybe?
Khoda hafiz.
Zara. xxxxx
Sometimes words aren't the best tools to express whats inside the heart. Just not languageable (word I obtained from my night dream few days ago) for some of the very sacred-bound feelings. So I let this video gives a preview of my heart's monologue maybe?
Khoda hafiz.
Zara. xxxxx
Friday, March 8, 2013
Dreams and mom
The only person that I'm happy to tell my dreams to is my mom. She just listens, listens and listens without discouraging me. She's even being positive about it! I believe that when she listens, she makes a prayer in her heart. So, I never want to give up on my dreams. Never. And I will continue bugging her with my dreams stories. Coz Lord surely listens to her prayer. =)
Zara. xxxx
The only person that I'm happy to tell my dreams to is my mom. She just listens, listens and listens without discouraging me. She's even being positive about it! I believe that when she listens, she makes a prayer in her heart. So, I never want to give up on my dreams. Never. And I will continue bugging her with my dreams stories. Coz Lord surely listens to her prayer. =)
Zara. xxxx
Friday, March 1, 2013
Today's self talk
Don't adapt the purposeless busyness-way of life. You go here and there, do this and that only to feel tired at the end with no sense of accomplishment. Know that some things are not meant to be settled straight away within a day but to know that at least you've done the right things for the future (even though they are baby steps) before you go to sleep at night is quite a relief. Another thing, don't let the mediocrity to ruin your policy! =)
Zara. xxxxxx
Don't adapt the purposeless busyness-way of life. You go here and there, do this and that only to feel tired at the end with no sense of accomplishment. Know that some things are not meant to be settled straight away within a day but to know that at least you've done the right things for the future (even though they are baby steps) before you go to sleep at night is quite a relief. Another thing, don't let the mediocrity to ruin your policy! =)
Zara. xxxxxx
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Pre-marriage thing
Just now I found two amazing videos talking about preparations before marriage. You know, sort of process in seeking a potential spouse. These two speakers, Wallahi, give the brilliant and realistic advice to the unmarried brothers and sisters as both of them, by individual, have their own experiences before they got married with their respective spouse. May Allah bless them and their family for the sincere efforts to help the not-yet married brothers and sisters out there. =)
Just now I found two amazing videos talking about preparations before marriage. You know, sort of process in seeking a potential spouse. These two speakers, Wallahi, give the brilliant and realistic advice to the unmarried brothers and sisters as both of them, by individual, have their own experiences before they got married with their respective spouse. May Allah bless them and their family for the sincere efforts to help the not-yet married brothers and sisters out there. =)
Brother BonsaiSky
Sister Amenakin
Zara. xxxxxx
Friday, January 11, 2013
Friday - the weekly awaited day
Today is Jumaat and I love this holy day so much! Ghusl, perfume, reciting Surah Al-Kahfi, wearing beautiful clothes, are some of the routines I enjoy doing. And not to forget, sending abundance of salutations upon beloved Prophet Muhammad sallalahu 'alaihi wa sallaam (peace be upon him) is highly recommended supplication (or shall I say primary?) that we should make on this day. Why?
Friday is the only day I dearly wait in the whole week. It is a very special day to me. It's like the starting day of the week. Here are some beautiful sunnah (traditions of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w) best done on Friday. =)
Today is Jumaat and I love this holy day so much! Ghusl, perfume, reciting Surah Al-Kahfi, wearing beautiful clothes, are some of the routines I enjoy doing. And not to forget, sending abundance of salutations upon beloved Prophet Muhammad sallalahu 'alaihi wa sallaam (peace be upon him) is highly recommended supplication (or shall I say primary?) that we should make on this day. Why?
Rasulullah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said: "Of all the days, Friday is the most virtuous. It is on this day that the trumpet will be blown. Send abundant durood upon me on Fridays because they are presented to me on that day. " The Sahabah radiallahu anhum asked: "O Rasulullah! How will they be presented to you when even your bones will not be present after your death?" Rasulullah (Allah bless him & give him peace) replied: "Allah Ta'ala has made the earth haraam upon the prophets forever . " (Abu Daud)
Rasulullah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said: "Friday is the "mother" of all days and the most virtuous in the sight of Allah Ta'ala. In the sight of Allah Ta'ala it has more greatness than Eid ul-Fitr and Eid ul-Ad'haa. " (Ibn Majah)
Friday is the only day I dearly wait in the whole week. It is a very special day to me. It's like the starting day of the week. Here are some beautiful sunnah (traditions of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w) best done on Friday. =)
One of my dreams is I wanna experience two Fridays consecutively. How? Well travelling to another country could be the option. Perhaps I'll be leaving Malaysia on Friday and will still be experiencing Friday in another country since Friday has just started in that region. How wonderful that is? Multiple blessings!! =D
Zara. xxxxxx
Thursday, January 10, 2013
The truth about music - as Sami Yusuf sees it.
Allahu Akbar. The truth about music from the spiritual and divine perspective, philosophically explained by Sami Yusuf. How today's music industry deviates and uses the 'Islamic' word as a branding, the need to conquer the market and stuffs. It's true when people don't understand the core objective, they would simply label it as wrong - making people away from God. Allah knows the best what we are doing and labeling people will not make us any higher in the rank of the sight of Allah. Truth is not only what making our hearts feeling peace but beyond that, there's a definitely beautiful feeling that sort of acknowledging the truth - it's when you are divinely connected. I'm talking general here, not just about music. Correct things will never cease to exist - as Allah wants it with His will - and will continue to impact people's lives and bringing people to Him.
Zara. xxxx
Allahu Akbar. The truth about music from the spiritual and divine perspective, philosophically explained by Sami Yusuf. How today's music industry deviates and uses the 'Islamic' word as a branding, the need to conquer the market and stuffs. It's true when people don't understand the core objective, they would simply label it as wrong - making people away from God. Allah knows the best what we are doing and labeling people will not make us any higher in the rank of the sight of Allah. Truth is not only what making our hearts feeling peace but beyond that, there's a definitely beautiful feeling that sort of acknowledging the truth - it's when you are divinely connected. I'm talking general here, not just about music. Correct things will never cease to exist - as Allah wants it with His will - and will continue to impact people's lives and bringing people to Him.
Zara. xxxx
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