Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Holier than thou


How being ego and  arrogant of yourself is an inheritance from the Iblees (the devils). It's a number one heart killer for everyone. It destroys love in humanity, clouding ways for unity of this ummah. At personal level, you're not gonna feel connected to The One and find the true you if the feeling 'holier than thou' still exists even minutely. Never.

Was it not the ego/arrogance factor being the first and primary sin that Lord makes it clear to us that such act will cause an extreme disobedience towards Him?

And [mention] when We said to the angels, "Prostrate before Adam"; so they prostrated, except for Iblees. He refused and was arrogant and became of the disbelievers. [Qur'an, 2 : 34]

Which part in us that makes us so holier than the others? That we are rich? Being beautiful? Smarter than everyone else? You're a doctor?? All that you have, if you claim that they exist in your life due to your own efforts, why not prove they too can stay with you in the next eternal life?

The most beautiful thing in life occurs when you finally know who you are, your roots, your purpose of existence and where you're heading to after this worldly life. And you can never know if  arrogance still stems in your soul!

Some excerpts from Habib Ali-Jifri's talk (from second video)

If you ever find yourself confused between two sides, each one saying we are on the truth, look at the character of both parties.

Wherever fine and pure character is present, religion is present

Wherever fine and pure character is present, pure knowledge is present

And wherever good character is not present, there is no religion and knowledge is present.

There is no way there can be piety and religion without good character.

There is no way there can be knowledge without good character.

So all knowledge and religiosity that does not affect the person with good character, exists a defect in the person's knowledge and religiosity.

So this is a way of judging. Let us not take this that we should judge other people. Let us judge ourselves.

So we can rectify and correct ourselves for what is between us and Allah (SWT).

The slave,

Zara. xxxxx

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