Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The blues end


Last time I blogged about how the family value helps to motivate us in working. Well, if that's considered sparks some happiness in the heart, what if we switch to a greater degree of value?

What's a greater value than family???

FAITH. yup. no other.

How does faith helps to fight Monday blues? Alright, allow me to define faith in my own understanding.

To me, having faith in the heart means establishing connection with the Greatest Being ever; Your Lord. Submitting your every will to His, comfortably - without having to feel hurt by His destiny set for you. Instead, we feel that's the best for us and because His love has settled firm in our heart, we don't want anything more but Him and whatever He loves to be our ends.

So when Monday comes, Tuesday follows and so do the other days, everyday will become just another template to express our love and obedience towards Him. A brand new day is waited eagerly to work/study/produce at the best level just because that yearn inside; desiring His pleasure. Challenges are seen as opportunities, hurts and disappointments become means to get closer to Him , happiness is the reason to express gratitude, worries strengthen your trust in Him that His plan is the best. Tell you, every feeling is no more self-attached but has turned into a joy in serving Him. Cries because of Him has become a pleasure to the heart. However, it's not a "pleasure" pleasure like pleasure when you meet someone or when receiving warm welcome from people but....


long silence.

Okay, words totally fail me on how to describe it! So that's the power of FAITH!!

Understand what is faith. Try to fall in love with it. Once attached, you'll desperately hope that it will never parted from you.

No more Monday blues. But a brand new template to creatively express your submission to attain His pleasure. Struggles are required, no doubt. But  remember this - at the start, you might feel hard, in the middle, harder but He promises us in the Quran;

                                                    Verily, with every difficulty there is relief. [94:6]

That means; with difficulty, comes easiness as well. The light is not just appearing at the end of tunnel, but along it too.  :)

Forget Monday blues. Have faith.


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