Sunday, December 9, 2012

O My Ummah


You know what? Somehow I think the phenomena where some of the Malaysian artists are making the Islamic transformation in themselves are the signs from Allah that actually Islam is on the way on its re-rising. There can never be a coincidence in Islam! Allahu Akbar. Allah has planned loooooong way before, that within this period so and so, He's gonna make Islam rises again as what He has promised through the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him). Forgive me coz I couldn't find the Hadith but I'm very sure there is such Hadith and In shaa Allah I'll get back to this post and add to it once I've found it.

Thanks to Facebook that everyday I'll be up-dated about whats happening in both local and the world. The issues might be different but the core of the issue is always the same one thingt; Islam is on the highlight.

Locally, there are always stories of artists becoming aware of the Islam and usually their Islamic activities will be updated through many shares of pics together with short notes. Happening now - a few Malaysian artists are in Gaza now to help in the Palestinian cause and they went there with the authorized bodies such as Aqsa Syarif and Aman Palestin. Allahu Akbar. Their stories are truly inspiring and that our love four our brothers and sisters in Palestine is just getting stronger day by day. Hopefully our ummah will be more united after this and let their efforts inspire Muslims in the other parts of the world as well!

Female artists are more likely to be noticed in their appearance transformation as they were not wearing the Hijab before and now with them looking so Muslimah, have inspired the other women in Malaysia as well. Some of them are elected to be spokespersons of Hijab brands and yeah thats kinna transform the Hijab styles to a lot of ladies. Allahu Akbar. How the influence of public figures esp artists impact the society's lifestyles, perceptions and thoughts. This makes me a firm believer that arts are no doubts the agent of transformation for humankind. So lets involve in arts production now! :D  

Okay. That's what happen in our lil country Malaysia. :)
Moving on to the Western world, the religion of Islam has become the primary choice of its many people and the number of Americans and Europeans converting to Islam is just increasing annually. Please read here and watch here. So that's the story of the converts. The already Muslims in the West are also doing their part robustly especially in preaching. I can say so because I've watched many Islamic video lectures on youtube whom the speakers are mostly English speaking Muslims living in the West. I love studying knowledge from these scholars as they deliver the 'ilm straight (without hidden agenda), with relevant practicals and they're so energetic Masha Allah! I do not want to compare them with others scholars coz everyone has their own strengths and I strongly believe that Allah has provided each one of us a unique way of receiving Hidayah.

Continue with the Islam in the West.
Well, I actually never been to any of the Western countries yet but I do take not of their activities and the one massive gathering of Muslims that I know so far is the Reviving Islamic Spirit (RIS) event. I am longing to go to this event so badly!! I pray that one day I can go there In shaa Allah. Other than that, there have been a number of Islamic institutions established that offer the learning of Islamic knowledge from the learned scholars. The one that I've joined is AlMaghrib Institute and the one that I'm desiring to study at is Bayyinah Institute. Wallahi, I was so spiritually awakened when I went to the 'A Heart Serene' seminar, taught by   Shaykh Riad Ouarzazi. Hope to go to his class again in the future! :)

Alright. Maybe I'm done with the West part and now lets talk about the Arab spring. Yesss Arab spring!! Starting from the Tunisia in 2010, it has then spread to other Arab countries as well. Read this. The rising of the Arabs has become the limelight of the media since then and now it's still ongoing. Poor Syria. :'(  But there's one major positive change came out of it as well! Morsi! President Morsi Al-Hafiz, is the promising khalifah In shaa Allah :)

Well, I guess there are many more signs but what I wrote above are just my 2 cents. Here I would like to end this post with this video. :)


p/s - I enjoyed using the words "transform/transformation" a lot in this post! :D

Zara. xxxxx

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