Saturday, June 25, 2011

Today is Saturday

Bismillah. Alhamdulillah. Wassolatu wassalamu ala Rasulillah..

Okeh, so many random things to share. Random it may seem to our eyes, but human's heart fails to understand it as signs from The Creator, Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. To get back to Him. Whatever happened today, the past hours since we woke up for fajr shouldn't be overlooked or else, we could possibly be among those losers during The Day of Judgement. Sins committed must be cleansed immediately and scan ourselves whether we are still taking jahiliyyah or ignorances along in our life. Astaghfirullah al-Adheem. The unseen black spots in our heart will gradually retard our akhlaq, which eventually will lead ourselves to reach the fine line between haq and batil. In shorts, we pray yet the prayer doesn't bring us closer to Allah. We feel like "what's the problem? we pray five times a day!" However, heart can no longer feel the sweetness of iman.Nauzubillahi min zalik ("May Allah protect us from that (in case of harm)"! That perception of "as long as we are a Moslem, finally Allah will put us all in Jannah", is actually DESTROYING OUR IMAN'S POTENTIAL to go further in search of it's 'izzah, where the soul wants nothing but Allah!

will try to continue, InshaAllahu Ta'ala:)

Subhanaka Allahu wa bihamdik, AshHadualla ilaha illa anta, astaghfiruka wa atubu ilaik.

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