Saturday, June 25, 2011

Today is Saturday

Bismillah. Alhamdulillah. Wassolatu wassalamu ala Rasulillah..

Okeh, so many random things to share. Random it may seem to our eyes, but human's heart fails to understand it as signs from The Creator, Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. To get back to Him. Whatever happened today, the past hours since we woke up for fajr shouldn't be overlooked or else, we could possibly be among those losers during The Day of Judgement. Sins committed must be cleansed immediately and scan ourselves whether we are still taking jahiliyyah or ignorances along in our life. Astaghfirullah al-Adheem. The unseen black spots in our heart will gradually retard our akhlaq, which eventually will lead ourselves to reach the fine line between haq and batil. In shorts, we pray yet the prayer doesn't bring us closer to Allah. We feel like "what's the problem? we pray five times a day!" However, heart can no longer feel the sweetness of iman.Nauzubillahi min zalik ("May Allah protect us from that (in case of harm)"! That perception of "as long as we are a Moslem, finally Allah will put us all in Jannah", is actually DESTROYING OUR IMAN'S POTENTIAL to go further in search of it's 'izzah, where the soul wants nothing but Allah!

will try to continue, InshaAllahu Ta'ala:)

Subhanaka Allahu wa bihamdik, AshHadualla ilaha illa anta, astaghfiruka wa atubu ilaik.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Jum'ah's delight

Salam 'alaykom warahmatullah wabarakatuh

It's Jum'ah today. A perfect day to restart/reset/recheck our life as a Moslem. Allah bless you:)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Objectives of Sharia: A Quranic Perspective by Nouman Ali Khan

I hate it when...

Salam 'alaykom warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Now, I'm being political. I don't care if it invites destructive comments because it is my obligation as a Moslem to deliver this message to the whole mankind. You know, living in a Moslem country like Malaysia is not easy after all. Yes, I am grateful for living in a peaceful country,where good educations available, public health taken care, starvation is not a problem (but mat rempit kinda endless thing nowadays) and so many other utilities provided by the government. However, Buuuuuuut....

As a Moslem myself, I just believe in one perfect law called Sharia's laws (Islamic laws set by Allah in the Quran). I hate it when the authorities are so proud of announcing their own principals while abandoning what's written in the Quran. I hate it when Moslem leaders are humiliating the opponent's stand for uprighting something that is based from the Quran (read: they underestimate PAS capacity of establishing a welfare state). I hate it when the media is unable to provide coverage about what's happening in a way that is truthful and just. I hate it when the First Lady allows such an 'Islamic fashion' while in the Quran states that women should cover. I hate it when we actually can't celebrate other religion's festival, but they fuse them all under the label of One. Everything is One.

Now, tell me if I've hate things for the wrong cause. I am a Moslem who desires the whole country to be implemented with Islamic Laws. I'm telling you, Allah surely will ask us all later. Allahu 'alam.

p/s : contohilah Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Kelihatannya dia enggan menunduk kepada Westerners. The Lion of Islam lah katakan. He's a man of faith too. Kan bagus if ours is like him:)))