Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I am a new-me I hope

Well, it's been about 3 weeks now that I'm here, in a beautiful campus of Nottingham Semenyih. I really love the whole new environment now. Friends, lecturers, roommates...I also become more in love with plants=-). I've opened a new facebook account and I really hope that I can become a new person with faith remains attached in my heart, InshaAllah. After all, I just want to be a woman of faith. That's all.

Perhaps I'll include my past life stories later. My dissapointment towards friendships, how I was forgotten by some of my friends...that eventually taught me valuable lesson about friendship and rendered me knowing who is the real friend at the end of the day. And also, there were some "holy people" who used to claim to me that they'll always be with me no matter what happen but I just realized this promise was no more valid when I was in despair. I was hurt and I'm still. But, the thing is that, I still love them until this second because of my faith. They are the people whom I love by faith. And I'll remain loving them forever no matter what. At least, they've existed in my life before for a period of time and I think that was one of the precious gifts from God indeed.

I don't know. I am forgotten and have been put aside from their lives. But, I'll always love them . It's hurt when you love people and they forget you. But, believe me I'm not confused with my own feelings as long as I put faith in my heart. I'll never regret of having this hurt but love feeling because I am always aware that I am being showered by His endless love. I never feel alone. That's the nikmat, you know.



  1. assalamualaikum zara...
    do u understand bahasa???my english not very good...hopoing that we can be fren and u tech me english...im not too far from semenyih...prima saujana, near by giant

    1. wa'alaykum salam warahmatullah wabarakatuh! :)
      hey my English is not that good as well. All I know is some simple English. Yes sure I know bahasa. =) please visit my blog often. In sha Allah I'll try to be more active after this.
