Friday, June 21, 2013

I am a traveler

"I am a traveler seeking the truth, a human searching for the meaning of humanity and a citizen seeking dignity, freedom, stability and welfare under the shade of Islam. I am a free man who is aware of the purpose of his existence and who proclaims: ‘Truly, my prayer and my sacrifice, my living and my dying are all for Allah, the Lord of the worlds. No partner has He. This, I have been commanded, and I am of those who submit to His Will.’ This is who I am. Who are you?"

Hasan al-Banna

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Babak Radmanesh - Khasteye Valedayn

For a lifetime I was your loved one
For a lifetime you were my loved one 
Amidst worry, you found solace in me
I don't want to be companion of the ill and afflicted 
My child, don't take me to a nursing home 
Let me stay home, and be happy and joyous 
My child, don't take me to a nursing home 
Our home is my hope 
It's a promise of excitement and love
Don't separate me from it
I don't want to be companion of the ill and afflicted 
My child, don't take me to a nursing home


Friday, June 7, 2013

They watch, not really listen

Worry not about less words, for attitude is everything. The most effective tool.

Sollu sollu. Keep chillin'. :)

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Are My Supplications Answered? Shaykh Faraz Rabbani on Delayed Response ...

What Made These Women So Special? ᴴᴰ ┇ Amazing Reminder ┇ Sheikh Tawfiqu...

GEMS spotted

1. From Khadijah (RA)

  • The amazing trust, love and patience she had in Muhammad (SAW).
  • A beacon and support for the Prophet (SAW) in his most important times.
  • Supportive and motivational

2. From Fatimah (RA)
  • Her righteousness and piety
  • Waking Ali up in the night and said ‘Lets pray’.
  • Charitable and giving 
  • Encourage Ali to go out there and earn money so that they could actually give money out to the poor.

Amazing right? :)

Zara. xxxxx

Monday, June 3, 2013

Love here I come!


Quite a while since the last post. It was all about the connection problem before this. I thank God yesterday we got a new internet system (YES) and it works quite super fast. Alhamdulillah for that. :)

Now that I'm home and just finished my undergrad study almost 2 weeks ago. Will be graduating on this 6th July InshaAllah. =D But at the moment I'm suffering from a post-student dilemma. To further study or to start working? My mom lectured me 2 weeks ago urging me to get married early. 1 hour conversation over phone call, the whole subject was about early marriage. Because nowadays is the period where youths get married at pretty young age. Early 20 or so. Or less. This has become a norm in the society for the 1990s-borne  like us. So to mom, it is quite abnormal for me not have a 'someone special-for-a potential spouse' at the age of 23. Almost all my friends do have their beloved ones. Me? In case you're wondering, let me explain why...

Since 2003 -almost 10 years ago- I have developed this concept for myself. That I never want to involve in coupling relationship. To me such thing disgraces my pride. I don't know where I got that concept since there was no Islamic awareness on such thing spread among the youths at that time. So I guess it's just a natural me. Fitrah. An inspiration from the Divine. So throughout my high school years I renewed that principal almost every year and thankfully I've made it to this day! =D

If I know someone who has a crush on me, I'd immediately feel so disgusted towards that guy for unknown reasons. Heh. :P Guys who approached and confessed to me I'd silently rejected them. Though they are so good in academics and deen. Distancing myself from them would be a fixed option. No. No! Not because that I'm not sociable type with males. I do talk to the Adams. Not excessively and not to the point that they feel so shy to talk to me. I'm approachable by everyone. :)

To me, Adams are to be respected. Hear what they have to say and give attention to their points. They are our primary caliphates anyway. :)

So yaa...since God has shown me my purpose of existence in this life (though I frequently fall while on  His track), I see marriage as one of the best mediums to serve Him. It's a SACRED thing. It's not just simply falling in love and get married and live happily ever after. Love originally is a sacred thing, a gift as well as one of His greatest signs. It's something pure and since it comes from the Divine, I cannot help but impulsively attached to His guidelines on how I should see and handle love.

So is it our wrong to fall in love with the opposite gender? No! Of course not! In fact, you should cherish it coz that feeling comes from Him. :) All the feelings come from Him. But, the feelings do not come to you just to make your life rainbowful (aah what a word! :P) while you're comforting yourself on the cloud 9 filling your mind and heart with that beloved of yours. If you find him or her is so attractively dear to your heart, have you not also thought of the Giver of the feeling as well? :) How great He the existence of love is impossible without Him inspiring it to colour the human lives.

Allah, He- the Lord of love wants nothing but His slaves to do the right things - worshiping Him accordingly to His guidance. He wants to guide us with that love He has bestowed upon us. It's like we were once in a complete darkness and suddenly we see a beam of light directing towards us. We feel so relieved and safe to be guided such way. But we're too interested in the colour and nature of the beam rather than where the source comes from. And where it should bring us to. We stay too long in the dimension of being awed with the beautiful light without thinking 'where's my final destination?'. It's either in two cases. Being fascinated with the beam alone without wanting to follow where it shows us to go (we stay nowhere) or praising and glorifying the Giver for showing us the direction where to go (and we follow the way).

Our ultimate goal is His pleasure. So love is the way. Loving Him, The Giver first more than anything else. Second, love the man who has showed us His way - Muhammad (The praised one) Sallallah 'alaihi wasallam (Peace and blessings be upon him). Third, love the woman that had painfully gave birth to us. Magnify that love. Her love towards us is incomparable to our love towards her.

Love towards our beloved must be oriented for the sake of God alone. The love that we mutually have for each other must be experienced and channeled through the way that He is pleased with. And to me, it's beyond than that. It's not about me and my man or about the love itself. It's all about Him, The Creator. Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. :) Coz He is the reason for all the livings. :)

And to my future man (which I do not know who :P ), I hope to meet and love you for His sake alone. We love and worship Him together, shall we? :) Till the end of our destination - Jannatul Firdaws (The best paradise).

Continuous solawat is a love sign that will never disappear. S.A.W. :)


Zara. xxxxxx